10. Whenever Don’t you love it when, as a programmer, you tell the computer exactly what to do and when, and it just obeys your every command within milliseconds? Well, the Whenever language doesn’t. Whenever is a lot like your pet cat. It has no sense of urgency, and does what it wants, and when […]
Category: Science & Technology

Top 20 Strangest Programming Languages
In this article, we take a look at some truly bizarre programming languages. The first thought in your mind when you come across these programming languages would probably be “someone had way too much time on their hands.” Some of these languages actually were created to serve a specific purpose, while some of them were […]

Top 20 Strangest Programming Languages (5-1)
5. Piet AsciiDots and Grass have nothing on Piet. Piet is a programming language in which programs actually look like abstract paintings. The language is named after Piet Mondrian, who pioneered the field of geometric abstract art. The program is compiled by a pointer that will move around the image, from one section to the […]

The Reaction Times In Various Sports
The reaction times required in various professional sports are often of the order of a fraction of a second. To be successful, top-level sportsmen have to train for hours on end day in day out. That’s what ultimately enables them to not only react in time, but more importantly react in a productive manner. In […]

The Brazen Bull Versus Impalement – Face-off of the two ancient torture techniques
Human torture has been prevalent since Ancient times. In fact, throughout history people have used torture as a method of interrogation and extracting information, as punishment for crimes and a tool for social justice, and even just to satisfy one’s sadistic urges. Probably the most disturbing fact about torture is not simply that it exists, […]

Difference between fruits and vegetables – Is tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? This is often a hotly debated topic, but biologically speaking, there is a very simple answer to it. A simple understanding of what is a fruit, and what is a vegetable helps us easily classify pretty much all fruits and vegetables. What is a fruit? What is […]

If all the atoms in your body were laid out end to end, how much distance would that cover?
A few days back, we found out how many atoms a person is made up of. To recap, a typical 70 Kg male would be made up of approximately 7 × 1027 atoms. In general, a person has roughly 1026 atoms for every Kg of his/her weight. Now what if all these atoms were laid out […]

How many atoms are you made up of?
Have you ever wondered exactly how many atoms you’re made up of? Or maybe specifically how many hydrogen atoms and how many oxygen atoms are there in your body? Well, the folks over at foresight.org have done the maths and according to them, an average 70-kg male human body contains almost 7 × 1027 atoms. […]
Indian public outraged by comments from Snapchat CEO, Snapdeal suffers collateral damage
#UninstallSnapchat is trending big across Indian social media platforms. Why? Because it is being alleged that in 2015, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel said, “This app is only for rich people. I don’t want to expand into poor countries like India and Spain.” This has caused mass outrage across India, and Indians have taken to social […]

The Essential Android Apps Starter Pack
So you’ve just bought a new Android phone, and you’re in the process of setting up and customizing your device to fit your requirements. One of the biggest USPs of Android is its massive app store with over 2 million apps. The right apps can make your life significantly easier and help you use your […]
WhatsApp Formatting Tips
Over the past few months WhatsApp has rolled out some updates for both Android and iOS, which have added some neat formatting options for your messages. If you’re not up to date yet, it’s time you got caught up. The formatting mechanism is extremely simple. All you have to do is enclose the text you […]