The votes are in, the audience have spoken! We would like to thank all those who have participated in the Best of 2017 Movie Awards! It is now time to reveal the winners of the Comic Book Movie of the Year poll! 2017 has no doubt been a landmark year for the genre. So which […]

Best of 2017 Movie Awards – Vote for the best comic book movie of the year
In 2017, the world of comic book movies has become bigger than ever before. Continuing with the Best of 2017 Movie Awards, we now invite you to vote for your favorite comic book movies of 2017. Vote for your favorite movie of 2017! You may select up to 2 movies. Voting closes on December 30, […]

Justice League : Doing justice to the Earth’s mightiest superheroes
There was much hype and expectation leading up to the release of the Justice League movie. And understandably so. When you are creating a congregation of the Earth’s mightiest superheroes in one place, expectations are obviously going to be high. It’s a project of epic proportions, and nothing less than an epic spectacle would suffice. […]

Justice League is set to be the shortest DCEU movie so far
Justice League is scheduled to hit theaters on 17th November. There is obviously much hype and speculation regarding what many hope will be an epic spectacle. The runtime of the movie has also been a matter of great speculation, especially after the Dawn of Justice saga. Now, based on reports from various theater chains, including […]