The Premier League could soon be overtaken by Serie A in the UEFA Association Rankings

The Premier League could soon be overtaken by Serie A in the UEFA Association Rankings

The UEFA associations’ club coefficients rankings determine the number of places allocated to an association (country) in forthcoming UEFA club competitions. The rankings are based on the results of each association’s clubs in the five previous UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League seasons. At the end of the 2016-17 season, the complete 5-year rankings […]

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The Brazen Bull Versus Impalement – Face-off of the two ancient torture techniques

Human torture has been prevalent since Ancient times. In fact, throughout history people have used torture as a method of interrogation and extracting information, as punishment for crimes and a tool for social justice, and even just to satisfy one’s sadistic urges. Probably the most disturbing fact about torture is not simply that it exists, […]

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